Thursday, February 18, 2010

Step 32: Dig Holes

No, not like the book.

I dig holes for a living. Not because I get paid to do it, but because my entire life consists of the metaphorical digging of holes.
I dig holes at home:
I never do my laundry until I am on my last pair of underwear. And of course, on the day when I wear my last pair of clean undies, I have no time to wash. I end up staying up all night doing laundry and homework because I was too lazy to do laundry two days before when I had nothing going on. I don't clean my room a little at a time. I wait until it is impossible to maneuver through the clutter on the floor and bed and then clean it. This, actually, turns my house into a literal hole.
I dig holes at school:
I procrastinate. I wait until the last possible second to complete things. One hour in between classes tomorrow? Perfect amount of time to write a four page paper. Think again, Liz.
I dig holes in conversations:
I am not capable of thinking before speaking. Words explode out of my mouth at a rate and volume that most people would not think humanly possible. Thus, the words come out much faster than I can think them. It sounds impossible, but it's real. This creates a hole when I start to say crazy things like just today when I started to tell my teacher, "I'm a loner...I hate everyone...haha...(he just stares at me)...I'll probably blow up the school..." That's a hole. There is no way out. Or when you tell someone with a horrible look "Why did you cut your hair?!" There's no way to get out of that hole. You're gone. You live in that hole.
I dig holes by telling too many lies:
Who doesn't lie now and then, honestly? But it's tough to keep them straight. Did you tell your English teacher that your brother died or that you were in an accident? Did I already use that excuse before with the same person? Or when you lies come out on the fly and they are crazy. It's like that Berenstein Bears book where the kids lie about a broken lamp. The lie gets so out of hand that there is an exotic bird in their story at one point. That's me. In a hole. With an exotic bird.
I dig holes by not saving money:
I guess I think that money just goes on forever even if I don't work. Because I just spend it. Fast. I want pizza that I can only eat half of and will throw the rest away. I want a shirt that I'll never wear. I want a sun dress in the winter. I drive all over the state because gas is free, right? Then one day I realize that I have no money. And my credit card bill is due. And I don't work for four days. And I have no food. So I eat Ramen. That I stole from my roomate. Yes, I steal Ramen Noodles. Sometimes, I'm that far in a hole.


  1. hahahaha
    this is the best thing i have ever read.
    i just laughed so hard.
    you are ridiculous. and i love you in holes.
    haha lets dig holes together. when i went to the beach last summer, i dug an awesome hole. but then there were horse flies in it and i screamed like a girl and freked out when i was stuck in the hole. couldn't get out. attacked by flies. it happens.

  2. This was seriously so funny, especially after tonight. I hope you really did tell your teacher you might blow up the school.

  3. I l-o-v-e- this post. It's the best ever. EVER.
