Monday, December 14, 2009

Step 24: Hate Marriage

Everyone in my family is getting married. It's the worst; I hate it. Big time. Not only is everyone getting married and taking money that could be used for more Christmas presents for me, but they are also kicking me out of my room. Since there are only limited number of rooms with queen/king sized beds in them, mine being one of them, I am being booted into a room with my little sisters. So from December 23rd to January 5th, I will be bunking with the little girls. Because apparently, that's what I am: I a little, un-married girl. Thanks, mom and dad.


  1. It's okay. Me too Liz. We can be babies together. And I'll just come visit you at work and we can make strange jokes that get you fired.

  2. I hate it too, marriage ruins everything!
